Top 8 Low-Cost Promo Products that are Perfect for Pre-Show Mailings
Note: Most of these items can be added to a standard mailing envelope (#10, #11, or 6 x 9) often with no increase in postage!
1. Lightweight 12 mil plastic rulers or bookmarks
2. Laminated wallet cards:
• yearly calendar
• tipping chart
• weight & measures conversion chart
• poker hand ranking chart
• anniversaries/holidays/birthstones chart
• important holidays chart
• fractions & decimals chart
• monthly payment/interest calculator chart
3. Magnifiers (wallet size or the bookmark size with ruler markings on the margins)
4. Plastic “stress testing” cards
5. Luggage tags with self-laminating business card feature
6. Temporary tattoos where the backing sheet is printed with a 10% off coupon. Stipulate that wearing the tattoo on their hand or arm while at the show will increase the coupon’s value to 15% and they will receive a free gift.
7. Rubber band activated Pop-Ups (12-month calendars) that fold flat for mailing and automatically pop into a three dimensional shape when taken from the mailing envelope. Your message literally jumps into your prospect’s hands. (Extra postage required)
8. Send VIP Recognition buttons to your targeted prospects about two weeks in advance of the show. Tell them that if they wear their button when visiting your booth, they will receive a gift (extra postage required).